Customer Engagement & Loyalty

Working with HSBC Smart Solution

Written by Gowri Krishnan | Dec 31, 2022 10:15:00 AM

Work smarter, not harder - that’s the idea behind HSBC Smart Solution.

HSBC Smart Solution is designed to make your business easier and smarter. With HSBC Smart Solution, you can connect multiple business applications to automate your workflow. That way, you can worry less about tedious processes and focus on growing your business to its full potential.

With HSBC Smart Solution, you will be able to streamline your business processes and make tedious tasks easier. You will be able to do smarter business analysis, navigate multiple applications in one platform, enjoy simpler payment consolidation, simplify HR practices, and view products and offers that suit your business needs.

Eber is a loyalty marketing platform, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Singapore. It’s a comprehensive membership, marketing, and eVoucher solution that is designed to help brands increase their customers, loyalty, and revenue.

To date, Eber has helped hundreds of brands all over the world engage and nurture customers - and increase customer retention rate. In addition to that, Eber also comes with built-in messaging tools to help businesses to connect with their customers easily and efficiently.

Eber is now teaming up with HSBC Smart Solution to make things even easier for business owners.

HSBC Business Banking customers can now enjoy exclusive deals and special discounts when running a global membership program with Eber through HSBC Smart Solution. A 12-month free trial package - along with 15% off subscriptions.

Take your business to the next level with these two powerful solutions integrated as one. You can get started today by logging on to your HSBC Smart Solution account, click ‘Toolbox’, in the menu, and find ‘Eber’ on the merchant page! 





Eber 是客户忠誠度管理平台。成立於2016年、總部位於新加坡的雲端軟件公司。我們與不同的品牌合作提供卓越的消費體驗以提高客戶忠誠度、體驗及商務管理平台。迄今為止,Eber 已幫助全球數百個品牌吸引和培養客戶 - 並提高客戶回購率。除此之外,Eber 還帶有360度全方位分析客戶信息、消費、接觸點和頻率,可幫助企業輕鬆高效地與客戶建立更好的關係。

今日開始,將業務工作流程自動化,讓工作更加輕鬆,業務更精進。現在連接Eber應用程式與滙豐智滙的企業將享有獨家優惠和特別折扣。作為滙豐中小企客戶,你將享有12 個月的免費試用 - 以及 15% 的 Eber 訂閱折扣。

將這兩個自己的解決方案合二為一,讓您的業務更上一層樓。體驗我們全面的數碼工具及方案,同時尊享經典優惠,助您業務啟航!立即登入滙豐滙=智, 點擊項目欄的“工具箱”然後點擊Eber了解更多!